Trump Supporters Stormed the Capitol Yesterday In Disgusting Display Of Domestic Terrorism, And These Are Just A Few Of The Questions I Have For Them:
1) How has your life improved so significantly since this ass-hat has been in office, that you felt compelled to commit an actual act of terrorism towards the United States government?
2) Are you enjoying this pandemic? How do you think that another four years of Donald Trump will help to solve this pandemic situation we are all in?
3) How has your overall quality of life improved since Trump’s inauguration in 2017? Is your healthcare better, cheaper, more accessible? Do you have more job opportunities? Has your current occupation become a more lucrative field?
4) If you were a minority, do you think you would have been treated with the same level of respect and dignity that you were actually treated with at our nation’s capitol yesterday?
5) If no to the above question, do you think it is possible you would have been either arrested under more severe charges, or, more likely, even tear gassed or gunned down?
6) If yes to the above question, what is it about you and your particular situation that feels different and thus makes your far less severe punishment, appropriate?
7) Do you consider yourself someone with a strong regard for American patriotism, and a passion for respecting veteran fighters of our nation, both past and present? If so, what are your thoughts on Donald Trump’s numerous disrespectful comments regarding the late Senator Jon McCain?
8) How about his draft dodging?
9) His January 2020 dismissal of soldiers’ brain injuries as “mere headaches?”
10) Please tell me your fears regarding a Biden presidency and how his administration has the power to negatively impact your life.
11) Please explain in a coherent manner how you feel voter fraud impacted the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Feel free to cite sources and provide photos as references.
12) Please provide these sources of documentation to all 61 (and counting) of Trump’s election lawsuits that have been thrown out/dismissed by federal judges. It sounds like they could really use them!
13) If you had succeeded yesterday, and congress were to deny Joe Biden his rightful victory and declare Trump the continuing president, where do you see yourself in four years?
14) But are you actually Antifa?